Spider AF JS Tag Integration

How to integrate Spider AF JS Tag

Ronald Ng avatar
対応者:Ronald Ng


The following settings are required to use Spider AF in Google Ads.

1. Tag installation

Please install the Spider AF tag on all pages and CV pages and measure the log. * GTM and YTM can be used. For GTM instructions, please go here: https://help-center.spideraf.com/ja/articles/4702720-spider-af-gtm-integration-instructions

The actual tag will be sent from our staff.

Sample: Tag 01 (all pages)

var sptrk=function(){var o="https://sp-trk.com/",w="__spd",e=(new Date).getTime();function c(n){var t=document.createElement("script");t.async=!0,t.src=n,document.head.appendChild(t)}window[w]||(window[w]={}),window[w].d||(window[w].d=[]),c(o+"u");var s=/^([a-z0-9]{8})-([a-z0-9]{2})$/,u=!1;return function(){var n=arguments;if(window[w].d.push(n),"config"==n[0]&&!u&&!window[w].a){u=!0;var t=n[1],a=t.match(s),i=a[1],d=a[2];if(!i||!d)throw"invalid id: "+t;var r=Math.random().toString(36).substring(2,15);c(o+"t/"+i+"?"+("a="+e+"&o="+r))}}}();

sptrk('config', '##TrackerID##');

Sample: Tag 02 (CV page)

var sptrk=function(){var o="https://sp-trk.com/",w="__spd",e=(new Date).getTime();function c(n){var t=document.createElement("script");t.async=!0,t.src=n,document.head.appendChild(t)}window[w]||(window[w]={}),window[w].d||(window[w].d=[]),c(o+"u");var s=/^([a-z0-9]{8})-([a-z0-9]{2})$/,u=!1;return function(){var n=arguments;if(window[w].d.push(n),"config"==n[0]&&!u&&!window[w].a){u=!0;var t=n[1],a=t.match(s),i=a[1],d=a[2];if(!i||!d)throw"invalid id: "+t;var r=Math.random().toString(36).substring(2,15);c(o+"t/"+i+"?"+("a="+e+"&o="+r))}}}();

sptrk('config', '##TrackerID##', {
xuid: '##xuid##',
xsid: '##xsid##'

sptrk('event', 'conversion');


##xuid## : ユーザー毎に付与しているID
##xsid## : コンバージョン毎に付与しているID

If you are using GTM (Google Tag Manager)

1. Create a custom tag in GTM

2. Apply the JS code to the Google tag

3. Apply a page view trigger event or any other specific trigger

2. Tracking template and automatic tag settings

By setting a tracking template in Google Ads, it is possible to analyze the site, keyword, device information, etc. of the inflow source.

Copy and paste the following string into your Google Ads tracking template.


Scope setting

It can be set with tracking templates for each account, each campaign, and each ad group. Please set within the range required for this trial.

Next, check "Automatic tag settings" in Google Ads settings> Account settings and save.

3. Linkage with Google Advertising API

Our staff will contact you with the login information of the dashboard.

Additional parameters available

• pub (publisher_id)

• media (media_id)

• site (site_id)

• spot (spot_id/sub_site_id)

• campaign (campaign_id)

• xuid (cookie/user id)

• xsid (session id)
